
Everything About Feeding Wild Deer Herds In The Backyard!

A lot of wildlife enthusiasts and animal lovers are interested in feeding deer in the wild or backyard. No wonder, we have a bunch of deer feeders in the market, which can be installed at a convenient place, so that herds of deer can come over to have their share. Sometimes, this may mean weeks of waiting, but the sheer pleasure of overserving or photographing wildlife cannot be described in words. Before you can think all of that, you have to answer the most basic question – What do deer eat? Here’s what you need to know.

Knowing more on deer

First and foremost, deer is not known to be a picky eater, which means these wild animals will feed on almost anything that’s available in their respective environment. As such, inviting them into the yard or keeping room for the herds to enter your garden may mean damage to your plants and herbs. In the wild, white-tailed deer is the most common specifies, and they don’t stick to any a particular diet. These are herbivores and will feed on anything, right from grass and nuts to fruits and corn. This also depends considerably on the season. During the winters, deer may feed on bark or bamboo shoots.

What to feed?

Most people arrange food for deer in the winters when it is really tough to find food outdoors. Thankfully, there are a bunch of formulated mixes that are specifically designed for deer species, just like you have dog or cat food. This kind of food is usually made of a mix of products, such as molasses, vitamins, minerals and oats, making the formulation easy to digest and safe for deer herds. In most cases, it is recommended that the formulated deer food is mixed with the natural diet and introduced slowly, so that the deer can adjust to it, which may take about four weeks. If you are opting for deer food feeders, check the kind of food you can use in them. Fruits and veggies are also good choices for those who want to avoid the packaged variants.

What not to feed?

Avoid corn by all means. The carbohydrates in corn is known to be damaging to the digestive system of deer species, and in the worst cases, this can also lead to death or serious sickness. If you want to go natural, consider forest vegetation and leaves, because fiber is as important as carbohydrates.

Check online for feeders now!